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- Products (List) | Choral Accompaniment Tracks
Products Currently Available * Part Tracks (played on piano) available upon request * Ad Astra Jacob Narverud 3-pt mixed / SSA $20.00 Preview Al Shlosha D'Varim Allan Naplan SA / SATB $20.00 Preview Always Be My Home Stuart Chapman Hill Unison $20.00 Preview America, the Beautiful arr. Mark Hayes All voicings $20.00 Preview Battle Above the Clouds Vicki Tucker Courtney TB (Key of F minor) $20.00 Preview Be the Change Laura Farnell All voicings $25.00 Preview Believe (from The Polar Express) arr. Mac Huff (Key of E flat major) $20.00 Preview Benedictus Ruth Elaine Schram TB $20.00 Preview Blessing Katie Moran Bart SATB / SAB / SSA (Key of D flat) $20.00 Preview Blow, Blow Thou Winter Wind John Rutter All voicings $20.00 Preview Born, Born in Bethlehem arr. Donald Moore TB $20.00 Preview Bring Him Home (from Les Miserables) arr. Mark Brymer All voicings $20.00 Preview Candle In Your Heart Jerry Estes 2-pt & 3-pt mixed $25.00 Preview Cantar Jay Althouse All voicings $20.00 Preview Cantate Domino Earlene Rentz SATB / 3-pt mixed (SATB Part tracks readily available) $20.00 Preview Cantate Domino Nancy Hill Cobb SA $20.00 Preview Carry the Light Andy Beck 2-pt / SSA $20.00 Preview Charlottetown arr. Donald Moore TB $20.00 Preview Child of Tomorrow Mark Patterson Unison w/ opt. descant $20.00 Preview Christmas In the Air Cristi Cary Miller 2-pt $20.00 Preview Cold & Fugue Season Bach / arr. Foncannon SATB / SAB / 2-pt mixed / 2-pt $20.00 Preview Come Travel With Me Scott Farthing SATB / TTB $20.00 Preview Come to the Celebration Laura Farnell 2-pt $25.00 Preview Corner of the Sky (from Pippin) arr. Teena Chinn All voicings $20.00 Preview Dancing Queen arr. Alan Billingsley All voicings $25.00 Preview Danny Boy arr. Ruth Elaine Schram All voicings $20.00 Preview Dawn's Awake, The Laura Farnell TB / TTB $20.00 Preview Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel? arr. Roger Emerson All voicings $20.00 Preview Dinner Bell Carol, The arr. Philip Kern All voicings $20.00 Preview Does the World Say? Kyle Pederson SSAA $20.00 Preview Does the World Say? Kyle Pederson SATB $20.00 Preview Erie Canal, The arr. Ruth Elaine Schram Unison / 2-pt $20.00 Preview Estrella Brillante arr. Nancy Grundahl SSA $25.00 Preview Every Time I Feel the Spirit arr. Donald Moore TB $20.00 Preview Everybody Rejoice (from The Wiz) arr. Hawley Ades SAB $25.00 Preview Festival Sanctus John Leavitt All voicings $20.00 Preview First Snowfall, The Jane Ellen SSA $25.00 Preview For the Beauty of the Earth arr. Ruth Elaine Schram All voicings $20.00 Preview Free Kelvyn Koning SATB $25.00 Preview Fum, Fum, Fum arr. Mary Donnelly & George Strid 3-pt mixed $20.00 Preview Give Thanks Mark Shepperd 2-pt mixed $30.00 Preview Give Us Hope Jim Papoulis All voicings $20.00 Preview Gloria Mark Patterson TB $20.00 Preview Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas arr. Mac Huff All voicings $25.00 Preview Heart and Soul arr. Roger Emerson 2-pt (Key of E flat / F) $25.00 Preview Hold Fast to Dreams Susan LaBarr All voicings $20.00 Preview Homeward Bound Marta Keen / arr. Jay Althouse All voicings $20.00 Preview How Can I Keep From Singing? arr. Greg Gilpin All voicings $20.00 Preview I Am Melanie Horne 2-pt $20.00 Preview I Wonder As I Wander arr. Jennaya Robison SSAA (Part tracks readily available) $20.00 Preview I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing arr. Greg Gilpin 2-pt / SATB $20.00 Preview I'll Make the Difference Moses Hogan SATB (Part tracks readily available) $25.00 Preview Island Noel Greg Gilpin 3-pt mixed $20.00 Preview Journey On Derrick Fox 2-pt $25.00 Preview Joyful Gloria, A Earlene Rentz SSA / 3-pt mixed $20.00 Preview Kazoo Koncerto, The Mary Donnelly & George Strid 2-pt $25.00 Preview Keep Your Lamps! Victor C. Johnson SATB / 3-pt mixed / SSA / 2-pt $20.00 Preview Kyrie For Our Time, A Don Besig & Nancy Price 2-pt $25.00 Preview La Musica Jay Althouse 2-pt $20.00 Preview La Vida Jim Papoulis SSAB $25.00 Preview Let's Go On a Sleigh Ride Glenda Franklin 2-pt $20.00 Preview Light Lisa Loeb & Cliff Goldmacher / arr. Andy Beck All voicings $20.00 Preview Light Up the Tree Hank Beebe 2-pt $20.00 Preview Linus and Lucy Vince Guaraldi / arr. Philip Kern SSAATTBB (individual part tracks including full piano reduction readily available) $75.00 Preview Lunar Lullaby Jacob Narverud All voicings $20.00 Preview Mermaid's Lament, The Joseph Martin SSA $25.00 Preview Misty Morning Carl J. Nygard, Jr. SAB / SSA $20.00 Preview Music Comes From Thee, The Eben Trobaugh SA / 2-pt $20.00 Preview O Little Town of Bethlehem arr. Dan Forrest SATB (Part tracks readily available) $25.00 Preview Oh, Blest Is He That Came David von Kampen SATB $25.00 Preview Omnia Sol (Let Your Heart Be Staid) Z. Randall Stroope All voicings $20.00 Preview Oye Jim Papoulis All voicings $20.00 Preview Peace Like a River arr. Ruth Elaine Schram Unison / 2-pt $20.00 Preview Praise His Holy Name! Keith Hampton SATB / SSA $20.00 Preview Rainstorm Christine Donkin SSA / SSAA $25.00 Preview Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree arr. Mac Huff Key of C $20.00 Preview Season of Light Jacob Narverud SAB $25.00 Preview Shenandoah arr. Brad Printz All voicings $30.00 Preview Sing We Now of Christmas arr. Noah Reese & Debra Siebert TT $20.00 Preview Sing to Me Andrea Ramsey All voicings $20.00 Preview Sisi Ni Moja Jacob Narverud SA / SAB $20.00 Preview Soft Wind Blew, A Mary Donnelly & George Strid 2-pt $20.00 Preview Song of Ruth Brian Childers SATB $30.00 Preview Sparklejollytwinklejingley (from the Broadway Musical Elf) arr. Andy Beck All voicings $20.00 Preview Star-Spangled Banner, The arr. DeLoach Key of A-flat $15.00 Preview Stars I Shall Find Victor C. Johnson 2-pt / SSA / 3-pt mixed / SATB $20.00 Preview Storm James M. DesJardins All voicings $25.00 Preview Te Deum Ruth Morris Gray SATB / SAB / TBB (SATB part tracks readily available) $20.00 Preview Theme from Ice Castles (Through the Eyes of Love) Marvin Hamlisch / arr. John Leavitt All voicings $30.00 Preview Unending Flame Paul Carey All voicings (SAB Part tracks readily available) $25.00 Preview Up On the Housetop arr. Vicki Tucker Courtney TT $20.00 Preview Wade In the Water arr. Moses Hogan / ed. John Purifoy / ad. Janet Day 2-pt $25.00 Preview We Shall Not Sleep Laura Farnell TTB $20.00 Preview Weave Me a Poem Tim Blickhan 2-pt $20.00 Preview What Child Is This? Laura Farnell TB $20.00 Preview What Happens When a Woman? Alexandra Olsavsky SSA part tracks played on piano $25.00 for all three tracks Preview Whatcha Gonna Call That Baby? Phyllis Wolf White All voicings $20.00 Preview When I Think of You Laura Farnell All voicings $20.00 Preview When Our Voices Rise Stuart Chapman Hill SATB $20.00 Preview Who Has Seen the Wind? Mark Patterson Unison / 2-pt $20.00 Preview Winter Fantasy Jill Gallina 2-pt $20.00 Preview You Will Be Found (from Dear Evan Hansen) arr. Mac Huff All voicings $20.00 Preview You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch arr. Jeff Funk All voicings $20.00 Preview Yuletide Collage arr. Gary Parks 2-pt $20.00 Preview
- ORDER | Choral Accompaniment Tracks
We Gladly Accept Purchase Orders! Online Order Form Please complete the form below and I will send you an invoice from Square via email. After payment is received, you will receive your track(s) via email at the email address provided. First name Last name Email Name of School / Church / Organization Street Address City State Zip code Country Phone Song Title(s), Composer(s)/Arranger(s), & Voicing(s) Promo Code I have read and agree to the terms & conditions. Submit Thank you for your order! Please be on the lookout for an invoice via email from Square.
- ABOUT | Choral Accompaniment Tracks
About Choral Accompaniment Tracks Choral Accompaniment Tracks was founded in July 2023 and launched in late August. Our mission is to support Choral Music Educators by providing affordable, high-quality, musical , recorded piano accompaniment tracks performed by an accompanist with almost 30 years of choral music conducting and accompanying experience. All recordings have been recorded on a 7' 2" Boston grand piano with high-end condenser microphones. About Chad DeLoach Chad DeLoach holds a Bachelors and Masters degree in Choral Music Education along with a Certificate in Church Music from the Florida State University College of Music. Mr. DeLoach just completed his 22nd year of teaching in Hillsborough County Public Schools and his 14th year at Martinez Middle School. He has taught at the middle and high school levels as well as the collegiate level as an Adjunct Professor. At The University of Tampa, he directed Women’s Glee, a non-auditioned treble ensemble, and Collegiate Chorale, an auditioned SATB ensemble. He also served on staff with Gulf Coast Youth Choirs, Inc. (Lumina Youth Choirs) as the director of Mannchor, and accompanist for the Gulf Coast Girl Choir. Mr. DeLoach was Martinez Middle School’s 2014-2015 Teacher of the Year. Mr. DeLoach is an active adjudicator, accompanist, and clinician for various honor choirs and has accompanied State, Division, and National ACDA Honor Choirs and 17 Florida All-State Choruses. He has accompanied honor choirs under the direction of well-known conductors including André Thomas, Anton Armstrong, Simon Carrington, Craig Jessop, Charles Robinson, Judy Bowers, Lynne Gackle, Jeffery Ames, Jeffrey Redding, David Childs, Andrea Ramsey, Emily Ellsworth, Jacob Narverud, Laura Farnell, Coty Raven Morris, and Derrick Fox. Mr. DeLoach has served in several music leadership positions including District 7 Chairman for the Florida Vocal Association, Middle School All-County Chairperson for Hillsborough County, and Repertoire and Standards Chairperson for the state chapter of the American Choral Directors Association. He also had the privilege of serving Hillsborough County Public Schools as one of three middle school Choral Directors to develop a Middle School Choral Curriculum for the county. Mr. DeLoach enjoys photography and spending time with his wife and five children.
- HOME | Choral Accompaniment Tracks
Welcome to Choral Accompaniment Tracks! Supporting Choral Music Educators with affordable, high-quality, musical, recorded piano accompaniment tracks TESTIMONIALS While I wish every choir could hire and have a collaborative pianist, budget cuts and staffing challenges have made this difficult for many ensembles. I loved my experience collaborating with Chad DeLoach while guest conducting in Florida. I appreciate his musicality, kindness, and the care he has taken to gather appropriate licensing permissions for his accompaniments in providing educators and conductors with this resource they can use when a live pianist is not an option. Dr. Andrea Ramsey, Composer During my time guest conducting in Florida, I truly enjoyed collaborating with Chad DeLoach. He's not only a superb musician, but also a wonderful person who was easy to work with! Laura Farnell, Composer Chad is not only a fine pianist and technician, but someone who plays with heart and passion - in virtually any style or genre. I have used his tracks many times for my choirs, and always been extremely pleased, as well as having the honor of him accompanying my choirs for live performances. I highly recommend his work! Debbie Cleveland, 36 yr. Choral Director, Retired As a retired Choral Music Educator, I can testify to the importance of a quality accompanist in the rehearsals as well as the concerts. Chad DeLoach more than meets this requirement. Chad plays with excellent technical skills, but equally important, he plays with sensitivity and artistry. He brings musicality to any group he accompanies. He has served as collaborative artist for many of our Florida All State Choirs. His talent on the keyboard is exceptional. I fully endorse Chad’s Choral Accompanist Tracks. Live or recorded, Chad will enhance your choir's rehearsal / performance with his outstanding accompanying skills. J. Mark Scott, Executive Director Emeritus, Florida Vocal Association I am thrilled to write a letter supporting Chad DeLoach and this project. Chad served as the accompanist for the Florida State University Singers. At that time, I was the conductor of the choir. Chad did an outstanding job. He had the technical skills to be successful in a wide range of choral repertoire. He is a skilled, sensitive, collaborative pianist who was a joy to work with. Dr. Andre Thomas, Professor Emeritus, Florida State University Subscribe to Our Mailing List Enter your email address here Sign Up Thanks for joining our mailing list!
- WORK SAMPLES | Choral Accompaniment Tracks
Work Samples If you would like to hear recordings of my work as an accompanist, please feel free to watch some of the videos below.
- TERMS & CONDITIONS | Choral Accompaniment Tracks
Terms and Conditions Choral Accompaniment Tracks respects the intellectual property rights of all copyright holders and asks that you do the same. By using our service, you agree that you will not copy, redistribute, reproduce, transfer, or share any of the tracks you have purchased. This includes, but is not limited to, posting to social media, posting to YouTube, and/or sharing the files via a cloud-based storage service (i.e. Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox, etc.), email, or portable storage devices. All sales are final; however, if you experience technical issues with a file, we will fix the issue, offer a store credit, or issue a refund.
- CONTACT | Choral Accompaniment Tracks
Contact Chad Need more assistance or have questions? Need a song recorded that's not currently available? I can do that! Feel free to email, text, or call. I'm happy to help! 813-586-4667